
From Krakow off to Katowice to end up our trip at Tauron Nowa Muzyka. Hard to express how amazing that music festival was. Ghostpoet, ESKMO, Speech Debelle, Gang Gang Dance, Kwes., Beach House,... These were the very top shows we experienced and I can still feel that exciting shiver that ran throughout my body while watching them....almost as it was yesterday! (and it was actually nearly a year ago! (which reminds me of how terrible I am at posting photos...ehm)) 

Nevertheless, to watch these photos makes me look forward to the next week even more as I'm going back to that amazing Three Ponds Valley - this time to the OFF Music Festival !


  1. ja som premýšľala, že by som išla tento rok, ale neviem či mi to vyjde, no ten line-up ma riadne láka :)

  2. pojed. verim, ze je o co stat :)
